OK so perhaps I am getting the hang of this stuff...6 minutes after my first post. Let's face it, I'm going to have typos, let's get over them now. Let me tell you about me.
I am 39, I am not happy to be 39. I have 3 children and a blended family. Two of my daughters are my biological children, the middle one is my step daughter. My daughters are 13, 12 and 10. They are amazing. I have a wonderful husband of almost 3 years. He truly keeps me grounded and has a way of bringing me back from "orbit". I would have probably left the solar system some time ago were it not for him and the kids.
I'll write more about the kids and hubby later.
I am a full time student at National University and I have a few jobs at this point. I love all of them, I do wish just one would become full time and allow me to have a normal life. Not sure which one I want to become full time, as I truly love them all. Anyway, what's normal?
I am excited about starting a blog. If nothing else I expect it to be therapeutic for me and a cathartic experience once in a while at worst. We all need a cleanse here and there, yes?
Remind me to write about my pets....there is a story.