Thursday, April 29, 2010

Networking Event

It's been a week of new beginnings for me! New sleep plan, new attitude, new business, new opportunities, and adjusting some ridiculous social barriers I get hung up with. I gotta get out of my own way. I bet we all know a few people that just can't get out of their own way. I get hung up from time to time, but I find my way, usually using the force. That's have I find directions as well.

So I went to a networking event tonight for the new business I am consulting with. My Brother in Law and I are working together and we attended a great event. We make a great team and are skilled at giving the quick pitch. I look forward to more event and business. If you read this and happen to own, manage, consult for or really like a local business, we can help your referrals gain customers. You won't be sorry, emnail me at

Sales pitch over. I'm feeling positive and confident. Boring blog tonight, but no drama and I like that. Wish I coulda been more funny.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stuff in my Head

I am one of those people that has to let things out of my head or I may very well explode. I don't dwell on things. I find solutions and I move on. I see most things in total black or white, not a lot of wiggle room, unless of course you have a compelling argument. So the whole blog thing has been pretty cool. I do find myself having to sensor the blog because it might toally offend some people, or at the very least hurt feelings. I'm not here to make enemies, I call em as I see em, or I just shut my mouth..or tell a confidant, again, so I don't explode.

So, I'm fat. I'm tired of it. I was tiny for so many years. I can't stand the constant dialogue in my head. Being fat doesn't stop me from doing anything. Well, that is not true. It stops me from wearing a size 4. However, with everything I do, there is a little voice in my head saying, "you're fat, how big do you look, do you look bigger than that person, etc." It's not that I care what people think, I really do like me. It's that this is not who I am. I know why I am fat. I eat too much of the wrong stuff. BTW if you haven't seen me for a while, I am overweight, but Richard Simmons won't be showing up any time soon.

I can't stand these people who claim to be a victim of their weight. If you are so gigantic that Richard Simmons has to call the paramedics and a carpenter to get your fat ass out of the house, you eat too much. If you can't get out of bed and crap on yourself, someone is bringing your ass food! New idea for a stand up routine, "you might be a fat ass if" ala the You might be a redneck if....mental note to work on that later. OK, wait (get that pun??) if you have a disorder, thyroid, etc then you are excluded from my opinion. I've had mine tested, I'm fine. I eat too much of the wrong thing. It's that simple.

So this week I've launched a new effort with the help of the Dr. I have no goals, I'm not ready to talk about what it is, I'm just saying, let's see what happens. The one thing I do know, it's gonna go one way (get that pun, weigh) or another. I'll either lose soem weight or be Skyping with Oprah and Richard.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So....About Sleep

It's one of my favorite things, truly. I've been known to go to bed at 6 PM and not be seen until the following morning. With my schedule it doesn't happen often, and I don't even like to do that very often, but when the stars align....oh how I love that kind of sleep.

The rest of the time, I struggle. As my sweet husband says, you could relax, but your mind is always trying to kill you. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm not worried. I'm not depressed. I'm no more stressed than anyone else. My brain almost never shuts off. I have mental lists that I have written down to try to purge the brain. I have brilliant ideas, but only long after I should be asleep. I have a lot to accomplish, which also makes me sleepless. If I go to bed now and fall asleep, I will get X hours of sleep....yeah, I play that game. I can count sheep, or kittens in my case, and keep that mental list going at the same time. Yes my brain is that talented....or cursed, or perhaps just plain simple!

Yes, I have tried reading before bed. Making the bedroom a sleeping place only (no TV). Relaxation techniques. Melatonin, Tylenol PM, over the counter sleeping pills, antihistamines...the list goes on, but it's all legal stuff!

I'm grateful beyond belief for this incredible life I have, so I really shouldn't complain, but the sleep stuff is getting to me.

I had a Dr years ago suggest that perhaps I should try yoga, or meditate. Um, if I could sit still long enough to clear my mind to do yoga or meditate, I guess I may not have this issue. That IS the issue, DUH! Clearing my mind requires general anesthesia and I guess Michael Jackson ruined that for recreational users.

So it's 1:22 AM. If I go to sleep this second I will get about 5 hours of sleep. Of course I'm wide awake, so there's that.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My kids taught me

I'm trying to be better about updating the blog. If I write often, surely I will find something interesting to say...right? Well maybe not.

So who has teenagers? Aren't they fun? Did you know the entire world revolves around just them? I was thinking the earth rotated around the sun, but it turns out, the 13 year old is the center of the universe. Having slightly less gravitational pulls, the 12 and 10 year old. In 2012 I will have children ages 16, 15 and 13, so really, the Mayans may have been right. If it's not the end of the world for the rest of you, it may be for me! Wait, that sounds like the the earth rotates around me....surely not the case.

Did you know if you don't make the mess you don't have to clean it up?? My kids taught me this. This is a gigantic relief. No more picking up dog toys, art supplies, dishes I didn't dirty, underwear I didn't make skid marks in, laundry I didn't get dirty, dust I didn't put on tables. This is truly liberating, because I was under the silly impression that when you were part of a family you were supposed to pitch in. My children have set me straight. Bless their hearts. This changes everything.

If I learned everything I know from I learned from my kids, I would know the following:

Spread your food around the plate if you want to make it look like you ate more.
If they say take 4 bites, make them tiny.
Even if you can't see the floor, the room is still clean.
Cats do love to be smothered no matter how much they screech.
If you say you did a chore and didn't do it, it's as good as done.
I forgot is a totally valid excuse.
I don't know is a great answer.
Oh you have to empty the vacuum????
Cleaning the entire kitchen just means putting a couple dishes in the dishwasher.
If you can't see it, it's put away.
Drawers aren't supposed to be shut.
Socks in the backyard apparently grow trees.
If something is on the floor, DO NOT pick it up.
If you did not make the mess, you are in no way responsible for the mess.
If the trash is full, you should take the time to smash it down, but never take it out.
The bathroom trash should overflow.
Fingerprints smingerprints.
Open windows while the heater is on is great because you get fresh air and heat.

Oh I could go on, and I think I will another time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Relay is Over and Other Stuff

Wow, another year, and another successful Relay. The team won first place in fund raising, but it was successful for many other reasons. One of those reasons is new team members. We added several new survivors and honoring them is really what it's all about. Of course there is the research funding and everything else, but seeing all of those people that have fought their battles is so inspiring. Another reason it was great is that a few people have expressed an interest in joining the team for next year.

Another reason is Rosa's family. If you read my blog, you know we lost Rosa recently to a battle she fought with unbelievable grace and dignity. Rosa's sister and brother in law came from out of town. Her Mom was there as well as her wonerful husband and boys Noah and Kaleb. They could have just come for the experience, but these amazing people dug in, helped out, walked a heck of a lot and were just as gracious as they could be. We had a beautiful picture of Rosa and our team wore flowers for Rosa. Just amazing people. I hope they come next year.

So what else, well, changes...the one constant as they say. My jobs have changed, some are gone, others slowed down so I find myself having to get creative yet again. I'm learning about local search and Google Analytics, which I am finding I love. I know, I am a nerd, it's OK. I am also heavily into learning more about social media, another topic I find fascinating. Hopefully with some creativity I can put all of these skills together with the other good stuff I can do and find more things to do that I love. I'm also launching the notary business officially. So far I have registered a domain name, have a logo in progress and have listed the business in a ton of local search - so that skill may just be paying off now! I have a super lame website in development....wish I were a little more nerdy in that arena!

That's about it for now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's been a while

So I'm struggling to blog. How could such a chatty person have so little to say? Turns out, maybe I don't have that much to say. Sure I talk to the people I know all the time. I never seem to be at a loss for words. However, when it comes to communicating in this blog, I just may not be so good at it. I've decided to keep it up. I see so many interesting blogs. I feel interesting, but maybe I'm not! Maybe the core issue is I am relatively private, and the blog puts it all out there. Gotta think on that.

So, I'll just do a general update. Relay for Life is this weekend. The team has worked so hard. The next few days are key. The team briefly surged ahead of the firefighters in fundraising. We've been number one the last few years, we might not be this year. I have mixed feelings. Someone else should win in order to make it interesting, but I really really want to win. We have many new team members. I love that. Relay is all about reaching out. I love my friends that are passionate about this. I love all that contribute in any way. We've all been touched by cancer. It feels good to fight back. In so many cases, there isn't much else you can do.

So I can graduate in June of 2011 if I keep up my school schedule. I hope I can do it. If I can do it, I get to walk for graduation with a great great friend. And I can graduate BEFORE I turn 41.

That's all for now. I gotta get through Relay. I love Relay. Fight Back against cancer.