Thursday, May 6, 2010 many roles do you have?

So, what do you do is a question I ask and I am asked. It's a funny question because it is typically meant in a limited capacity, meaning for work. But all of us have so many dimensions both at home and work. In this economy, many of us are wearing old and new hats and lots of them to keep things going. How can you define it? Should you define it?

Here I will try to define me. So where to start?
I think Mom. Probably the toughest of my roles, but the most important to me. To be fair I need to split that role into Mom and Step Mom. I have my two daughters Sam and Haley, ages 13 and 10. I'm also a Step Mom to Megan, age 12. To complicate things further, though I am divorced from his Father (the Father of my girls as well) I am still close to my ex Step Son Chaz, age 18, in college at ISU. If you know me, you know I am way too normal for Jerry Springer, but when you hear the story, I know what you are thinking! The kids are great. All the kids are in advanced education and although Chaz is having a hiccup currently, he'll be back at it soon with a debate scholarship. We all have bumps in the road, he's having a bump! He is a good kid and I love him! Sam is very social, in ASB and looking forward to sports and activities in high school. Haley is in girl scouts, the choir at school and enjoys strong friendships with her neighborhoodand school friends. Megan is also in ASB and the total athlete, best goalie in East County has been said about her. She is a kind soul with the competitive heart of a winner.

I'm a wife. To my adorable husband Donald. He's awesome. A great Dad that supports the girls and always has their best interests in mind. He's unselfish as long as he gets a nap here and there. Truly a wonderful family man and the love of my life. He loves cats matter what he says, he does. I have pictures.

I'm an ex wife - a couple times over. What can you say, live and learn. Nuff said.
I'm a full time student. Fulfilling a lifelong dream to complete my degree in business admin. I thought I really didn't need it, and I think it's helpful, but ultimately I do need it. I'm setting an example for the kids and in my heart, I have always regretted that I didn't finish no matter how successful I have been.
I work. Oh where to go here. This is truly where the juggling comes in. I can juggle with the best of them. My problem may occur if one of my ventures takes off big time and I have to somehow part with the others. I need to be able to do that in a graceful way that does not leave anyone high and dry. I love everything I do. So what do I do. My smallest role is as a notary. I work with First American Title to help people sign loan docs. This is a slow business that calls upon me with little notice. I have recently listed my own local mobile notary listing...we'll see if I get any business from it. Next. I am working with an old dear friend to help with Google Analytics. I love the work, but the learning curve has been brutal. The work isn't my long term plan, but I love learning and hopefully can help build the business enough that we can hire others to do the analytics while the core team works on world domination! What else? I am the VP of Ops for a resale real estate company that is about to launch. I love this venture. We have the chance to kill!!! Finally, I am a local search consultant for small businesses. I love this line of work as well. I may need to clone myself because I can't see myself giving anything up.

I think we have covered the basics here.....much more to come.....

Monday, May 3, 2010

2010 The Year of...

So far not so flipping good, but I really don't like negativity.  That's negative to say in and of itself isn't it?   I can't get away from it!  Just kidding.  I've always had so much to be grateful for.  Things get ugly from time to time, but I have nothing to complain about.  Here are some mottos some of us can identify with:

2010 The Year of:

Using all my sick days
Using all my sick days if I actually had a job
That's not really in the budget, oh hell, spend it anyway
Those tires can go another 500 miles
Yes but it's better for me
86% of America doesn't want the healthcare bill, oh what do they know?
Too big to fail (just not your business)
George Bush started it!!  (anything bad)
Obama inherited that (see above)
The government can, but Goldman Sachs can't
That's illegal if the administration doesn't like it
Go Arizona
The iPad, buy one or die

So, I'm not negative, but I am cynical!!