Work in progress at best. It's late. I am tired. Yes, excuses. In my defense, 3 kids, the house, 4 jobs and a full time student. I still have a really clean house and the laundry is caught up and my kids are awesome. You may get sick of hearing about excuses, but I kick ass. I get really annoyed with stay at homes moms that whine. It's true you can't have it all, but once the kids are in school, you can have a lot more and if you manage your time well, everyone benefits. I've stayed at home, I've worked outside the home. I may make excuses for my blog, but my life rocks and no one suffers for my lack of time management skills. I could go on....and I will some day, but not today.
So yes it's late. I'm writing because I cannot sleep. A good friend is in critical condition in the hospital tonight and I find my thoughts are with him. I'm not sure where to go with this. I just can't sleep and I need someone to know he is in my thoughts and even prayers. I'm not a pray-er by nature and faith has never been my strong suit. This is not about me. But my friend is an atheist. I find myself helpless. Even if I pray, would he appreciate it, does that matter? As a person with little faith, what could my prayers do? As a friend told me, you may not believe in Jesus, but Jesus believes in you. I can appreciate that. This is not about me. This is about my friend. I'll pray that we both find our way, but that you find your way right away friend.
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