I get really annoyed when I write a good blog post and it disappears. Guess it's my fault, but it makes me mad and I was just getting to the good part!
Judy and I met in 1997 when my family was looking to pull an equity line from Grandma's house for a down payment on a new house we were all moving into before we sold Grandma's house. We walked in Great Western Bank and there we met Judy. Judy took us through the equity line, a refi, a new loan and another refi before we were done. She was professional and extremely resourceful in all aspects of our transactions.
Judy has subsequently taken me through a couple of other refi's for a variety of reasons, some fun, some not fun. So anyway Judy and I stayed in somewhat distant touch for all of these years. Judy is a master marketer to her client base. She's always had a knack for staying in touch. I found out Judy adopted Kayla years ago and we have somehow stayed connected. I have daughters, I did the single mom thing. Now I am married but my middle step daughter is adopted and we have friends that share kid issues. Us Mom's have to stick together.
Judy, I get you. We are both down to earth, keeping it real people. We call a spade a spade and we don't tolerate much in the way of crap. You have your Mom, and I know that is such a huge thing. I had my Grandma. We both have kids and challenges.
I just want you to know, I value your friendship. I think God that Kayla found her way to you. No matter what, you two were made to be Mom and Daughter and the world is a better place because Kayla has a soft spot to land and a Mom who will never give up on her. You have been resourceful beyond resourcefulness. Judy you are a fighter. You fight for yourself, you fight for Kayla, you fight for your Mom. You are everyone's advocate, and for that, many should thank you.
I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You are a Mom, Daughter, Sister, Advocate, Fighter, Case Worker, Playmate, Housekeeper, Cook, Laundry Person, Party Planner, Buyer of all household stuff, Bill Payer, CEO of the House, Education advocate, care advocate, so much more and to me.....friend.
I wonder who else out there can define all the roles of the important people of their lives.....Try
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