Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

My next few blogs will focus on seller and buyer questions that I am frequently asked.  The first one is below and it can be a biggie!

What should we do to get our home ready to show and sell?
Below are guidelines, and certainly each situation is different and it is not always possible to complete everything on this list. 

It's a good idea to get a termite inspection so you know if your home will need to be tented and what to expect.

Get smoke and CO2 detectors in compliance if your home is older.  California now requires CO2 detectors.

Note any items in the home that may need to be fixed or replaced prior to selling.  You may not have to fix or replace, but knowing and getting estimates will help determine any pricing concessions you may have to make.   Get a home inspection if you are not sure.  Inspectors are incredibly thorough and knowing issues in advance will help in the long run.  Escrow can become difficult if the buyer's inspection reveals major problems previously undisclosed.  Disclosing or repairing in advance will make a big difference.   Your real estate professional will go over all of the required disclosures and questionnaires that cover your particular situation.

Organize and clean, in fact it's a great idea to start packing items you don't use regularly if you have a garage to house the boxes.  You want your home to appear neat, clean and uncluttered.  You want a prospective buyer to be able to picture themselves and their things in your home.  It's a good idea to take pictures down (and repair and paint) and put away knick knacks.  It's great if beds can be made and floors picked up, but realistically, many of us have kids and we know how their rooms look.  So do your best, without making your family crazy.

Decide what appliances will stay with the home and gather the paperwork you have on each, including warranties, receipts and manuals.

Spruce up the front yard.  Curb appeal means a lot.  It's the first impression a potential buyer will have of your home.   And make no mistake, buying a home is a transaction, but it is based on emotion.  Remember when you bought your home?  You probably knew it was the one you wanted as soon as you saw it. 

Work with your agent to set a price.  Understand the rationale behind the pricing on your home and the plan to market your home. 

Finally, and I cannot stress this one enough, like the agent you list with!  Do they call you back and respond to texts and emails right away?  Do they seem difficult or have trouble listening to your ideas?   Do they have references or outstanding reviews online?   Do you trust them, would you recommend them?  These are important things to consider before you sign a listing agreement!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm baaack.   If you read my blog before you know it was very personal and family oriented, as well as all about my crazy life in a blender (blended family).  If you know me well you know that I recently took the leap of faith into real estate full time.  I have probably called you.   If not, I will be calling you soon.  Please answer!

I will provide a brief history here.  I used to work for The Ryness Company, a national new homes sales and marketing company.  It was a dream job that I got very lucky to land and it lead me to many wonderful people and my first career love, real estate.  Don't get me wrong, I worked very hard!  I worked on the corporate side of real estate while at Ryness, although I earned my license in 2006.  If you know anything about new homes sales, you know what happened in 2008.  I was resilient.  I went back to school and earned my BA.  I became exceptionally entrepreneurial and held down many positions while earning my degree.  Fast forward to 2013.  I was working part time in real estate while maintaining a full time position at a digital marketing agency.  I liked the people, but it wasn't rewarding in the way I needed it to be.  I needed a challenge that I could win and be passionate about.  Yes, I know being passionate about something is a bingo buzzword, but it's the best way I can explain how I felt.

Fast forward to today.  I said I needed a challenge right?  Well I found my challenge and I am loving it.  Is it difficult?  Yep.   Is there an easy way to get ahead?  Nope.   I will elaborate more in future posts.

So, I am resurrecting my blog so you can follow my progress and perhaps even learn something about me, and even real estate.  I promise to keep it light and fun and real.  I post some hard core stats on my Facebook page, which I hope you will "like" (www.Facebook.com/SuzanneColemanRealEstate) and my website (www.SuzanneRColeman.com) has lots of informative articles as well as a home search feature for available listings from the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). 

Here on the blog I want to keep it honest, real and hopefully entertaining and maybe even funny!  I guess I will be funny next time.