Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dumbest News Story Ever

I just watched a news story about "Mommy Thumb".  This is a tragic (read sarcasm) condition that can occur when new mothers lift their children.  Think about when you lift a baby or toddler, thumbs under the arms and lift, right?  The news actually interviewed mothers that reportedly have this disabling ailment.  Apparently this is so prevalent it has now become newsworthy, or maybe it was just a super slow news day.  Are you kidding me?  When exactly did we all become such a bunch of wusses?  Did these women forget about giving birth?  Mommy Thumb, seriously??   Did you forget that your butt is now an inch or more lower than it was, or that parts of you expanded far beyond reason to accommodate that baby?  Your complaint is about your thumb?

So Mom's of babies beware.  Your baby is just a few months old and has already put your body through that fun experience, and now you can look forward to Mommy Thumb.  I'm afraid I have more bad news, and you may not see any of this on the news.

You can look forward to most if not all of the following ailments:

I like to call this one, "Blurt Mouth".  This is an unfortunate condition that many toddler/preschool age children come down with.  It causes in Mothers what I call "Red Face".  Blurt Mouth shows up with no  particular warning.  A typical occurrence consists of your precious child yelling out something along the lines of, "Look Mommy, that man is so fat" in a quiet restaurant.  Now if it wasn't true, it would not cause Mother's "Red Face", but since it is true, you have just come down with a case of it.  Another example,  you are in a bathroom stall with your three year old.  It's large bathroom, but it appears you are sharing it with only one other person who is clearly experiencing some loud digestive problems.  Instead of taking care of business, your three year old continues asking loudly, "WHAT is THAT noise mommy?"  Unfortunately there is a no cure for Blurt Mouth and it can occur later in life as well.  An example of a later in life episode would be when your 10 year old incessantly asks the man driving the shuttle bus at the airport what happened to his clearly deformed arm that he is trying to hide while simultaneously ignoring your sweet child who is just out of your reach and not looking at your horrified face while having their Blurt Mouth episode.  The only know cure for Red Face is to leave the scene of the crime, but the scars never go away.

Another one that you'll certainly catch is "A Dose of Your Own Medicine".  This one happens when your child catches a slight variation of Blurt Mouth and loudly explains how they are punished or at least threatened to be,  in public.  An example, your sweet four year old is pestering the living heck out of you in the department store dressing room.  You beg for silence even though this is a ridiculous request to be taken seriously by this ailing child.  Your child then loudly asks, "or what, you'll duct tape my mouth and hang me up on the wall?"  You have just been given "A Dose of Your Own Medicine".  You never meant it when you said you would duct tape them, but it doesn't matter.  Blurt Mouth gives these children an uncanny ability to say the things you would least like a stranger to hear.  The only cure for this one is to not make silly punishment threats, and we know that is impossible.

Another one that you will surely come across is "Twitch Eye"  This is probably the most common mommy complaint.  Twitch Eye can happen when your kids are any age and basically it is just what it sounds like, a twitch, in your eye.  My first encounter with Twitch Eye was while driving my mini van when my oldest daughter was about four.  My Grandmother was with us, while driving.  My daughter was being a pill and I told her she needed to knock it off or I'd pull the car over and spank her.  (See above ailment, it is just not possible to stop making those punishment threats).  She proceeded to offend and I said nothing.  Then in a cruel twist of Blurt Mouth combined with A Dose of Your Own Medicine, she said, "Aren't you going to pull the car over and spank me now Mommy?"  Twitch eye has unfortunate side effects such as making you want to drive the car off the road or perhaps ground the offender for an extended time frame for their own safety.

I could go on, and I will in a later post.  For now, new Moms beware.  The worst has yet to come!

By the way, I am not making any of this up.  I currently have, or have had every one of these ailments.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dad's Birthday is Today!

This year I have written blogs about my kids on their birthdays and I really enjoyed doing so.  I'm playing with the idea of doing this on many birthdays over the course of next year.  I thought I'd start with my Dad.

Dad was born this day in 1941, in Pearl Harbor, just nine days after the bombing.  I think that is incredibly cool.  I was wondering last week if he could join the Pearl Harbor Survivor's club....he was technically there.  He grew up in La Mesa after a brief stint in Cleveland.  He played little league in La Mesa and lived on Dana Drive, which was close to where my Mom grew up on Harbinson.   He had a great dog named Tippy and a duck that hated his Mother.  Mom and Dad went to the same school, but Mom was younger so they didn't date until later.  Dad joined the Air Force and spent some time in Germany.  See, I did listen.  You said I didn't listen!

Some of my first memories with my Dad are when we would go "dirtin" in the back yard.  I loved to help him in the garden.  He was always great about giving me my own plants.  I always got a couple of my own to plant or an area with just my seeds.   We had fucshias, ferns, vegetables and boysenberries.   One time we were working in the garden in the very back portion of our huge yard and a swarm of bees came swooping down the giant hill the lead into our yard.  We had to run to get into the house.  That was cool!  When Dad built the patio onto the house we had a tarantula on the patio.  That was creepy.  Speaking of spiders and creepy - one time I was putting my bike away behind the gate.  I got the gate open and then realized there was a very large black and yellow spider.  Bigger than the tarantula.  I KNEW it was going to jump on my face and kill me and I froze, while screaming.  My Mom came out of the house and told me to get away from the spider.  Seems so simple, but I sure as hell couldn't think of it.  She made my Dad come home from work and he killed it with a big stick that had a stiff wire net on it for catching crawdads.  Dang it sounds like I grew up in Alabama.  My Dad made the crawdad catcher thingy and we went hunting in the riverbed of the San Diego river if I recall correctly.  Once I figured out what the hell a crawdad was, I was OUT.  I think I was about seven.  Luckily he saved the day by catching a huge tadpole that we raised to frogdome and let go at Lake Murray.  So lots of good childhood memories.

Then I grew up.  We parted ways when I was about 13.  Just couldn't get along.  By then the parents were divorced.  I had been living with Dad in the house I grew up in.  Mom moved away when they divorced.  In a stroke of parenting genius Mom and Dad figured a way for Dad to leave the house and Mom to come back and I got to stay put.  Good work parents.  I loved that house and neighborhood, leaving would have destroyed me.  So we had some rough years.  

I think things started getting better when I had Samantha.  Unfortunately, for reasons I now totally get, Dad and Sandee (Step Mom) moved to North Carolina.  At the time, I was so angry.  I spent some years pretty angry.  No need to discuss that here, it's all water under the bridge.  Given the circumstances I sure as hell would have left as well.

Today I am so lucky to have such a wonderful Dad.  I'm so pleased that we are closer than ever.   This year we had a great trip to Vegas and I am so glad we went.  I think we should go once a year and I mean that.  I do wish you were closer, but I understand, I really do.  I am so glad you have a wonderful wife that makes you happy.  I am grateful that I was able to find a man, like you, who puts family first and works hard to make me happy every day.  Happy Birthday Daddy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tech Support Suicide

I'm here writing now because if I don't get the feelings out, I will need to wake my family to inform them of my dismay.  They need sleep, I get that.  I already woke hubby up a couple times early on is his attempted  slumber to inform him of my issue. 

For the past 6 years I have created a photobook using  They offer great products, easy to use software, fair prices and great customer service... I thought.  My experience has been superior up until today.  I've been working on "the book" for this year all week.  I love "the book".  I hate making the book.  It's a labor of love that requires hours of viewing hundreds of photos for a handful that will make the 40 page book.  Let me tell you, we take about 15 pictures for every decent one.

I'm in this year for at least 15 hours.  Tonight Donald previewed the book and it was great.  I had to go into the book and edit some fonts.  Done deal.  While editing the program closed itself.  When I rebooted and opened again, I had access to the book I made last year and nothing else.  I tried several times.  I contacted chat support and was cut off several times.  When I finally made a good contact I was told the book resides on my hard drive (big mistake MyPublisher, everything is web based these days).  I back up my hard drive to an external drive.  The book isn't there either.  The book appears at this point to be gone.  So family members who get a book, your book was going to be's February?

Ultimately the tech support person sent me instructions to attempt to recover the book.  I have a call with senior tech support in the morning.  I hope it isn't gone.  Some years the book is a breeze.  Everything is so great it writes itself.  This year was a total turd I had to polish the hell of.  I'm not sure I have it in me to do it again. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Demonstrations of Love

Something I have been challenged about of late.  How do we know the people we love are shown love in the way they need to receive it?  People who know me well know I have been married three times.  I am happy to say I have my keeper finally!

I was first engaged when I was 18.  I was silly and in love and somehow thought I needed to be married to "start my life"  I'm really not sure where I got this idea, but I had it.  I moved out at 18 with my boyfriend (somewhat older than I) and just felt like once I was married my life would begin.  That whole topic is probably worth exploring later (on the couch).  My intended and I were required to go to pre marital counseling.  Red flag, if you have no church and simply choose one and are required to go to counseling...well that might be a red flag.  For me it was and I chose not to see it.  I can't recall anything about the counseling with the exception of one concept.   The concept, giving and receiving love and how perceptions differ. 

Think about that.  No, think about it.  What if two of the most loving, in love people cannot connect once love settles into the comfort of daily lives?  Be clear, we are talking about three to five years or more into a relationship.   Most of us can keep the spark alive for a few years.  Some of us suffer for a while longer.     Some of us really get it, the lucky ones, the ones who work.  Love must find a way to settle into the day to day lives we lead.  And by settle, I certainly don't mean settle.  I mean settle by finding comfort in the day to day struggles and by gaining strength in making progress.

But what does love mean?  For everyone the answer will differ.  The secret is to know what love means and how it can be demonstrated to your love, and to know yourself well enough to know the answers to the questions for yourself.  

Monday, November 29, 2010


So I really felt the writing bug tonight, yet totally lacked any subject matter.  I usually start writing with a story in mind, or at least a subject.  Tonight I have searched my brain for something to write about and have come up with only a list of things that I'm not ready to blog about.  Curious though why those are the things that come to the surface.  The therapist in me makes this into something more.  It's probably not blog material because it might hurt feelings that don't deserve to be hurt.  So then the question, with a personal blog, where do you draw the line?

Do you write about the people in your family that tick you off?
Do you write about old relationships?
Do you discuss business?
Do you write about old wounds?
Do you write about things you worry about?
Do you write about family stuff?

And the biggest question - How do you keep a personal yet public blog real?   So far I have managed, but I seem to lack the subject matter to go forward.  Ideas appreciated.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Things I Didn't Know I Was Thankful For

Well today did not happen the way I thought it would.  I'll preface this by saying everything is fine, everything is good, and sometimes it's important to be shown what's important.

So this year has been tough financially.  Details are not necessary here.  Most are in the same boat.  Time is running out for the economy to get better.  In the past few weeks my family in particular has been hit with some financial nastiness.  It is what it is, I'm not happy about it and things could be way worse.  I have however had a tough time dealing with the pressure day to day.  So luckily Thanksgiving is upon us and we sure have a lot to be thankful for.  This I get. 

The plan was to have my Mom in law over for the day along with our dear friend Bonnie.  Most of you reading this know Bonnie.  She is dear to me.  No kids this year, my daughters are with their Dad and Megan is with her Mom.  Normally we would hide out and binge eat, but we really wanted to have a great day with Mom and Bonnie.  And binge eat.

A Little History
Sorry folks but it is necessary at this point.  My grandmother spent many holidays in the ER or hospital over the last 5 to 8 years of her life.  Sometimes she was genuinely ill, others I think she had anxiety and had physical ailments with no real cause as a result.  Either way, you could count on most holidays being not what was planned.  Grandma passed in August of 2006.  Now Bonnie's Husband Ed passed away on Halloween 5 years ago (See holiday).  Ed was so great.  A real story teller and could fix the shit out of anything with duct tape despite being a talented mechanic and all around smart guy.  We miss him.  Bonnie's Mom passed away on Thanksgiving (Hello holiday) several years before that.  I didn't know Maxine, but I know I would have adored her from the things I have heard.

So Today
Bonnie calls at Noon (when she was supposed to be here) and says she is feeling somewhat faint and not quite right with some stomach pain.  We decide to check in 30 minutes from that point and hang up.  We are cool with canceling, postponing, whatever.  30 seconds later Bonnie calls back and says she has some numbness in her left arm.  ALARM.   So I head over to her house.  We decide to go to urgent care instead of the ER.  Bottom line, things work out OK.  All tests come back fine.  Bonnie still doesn't feel quite right, but we managed a dinner and dessert and I do worry that she works retail and has to go in tomorrow.  But all tests come back OK.

I started the day dreading getting out of bed, getting the turkey going, thinking it would be another sucky turkey I cooked.  I layed around in jammies wishing I could go back to bed, worrying about finances, blah blah.  Then I got hit over the head.  None of that stuff is important.  I hate it when something so obvious has to become a lesson for me.  DUH!  Mom is healthy.  I am healthy.  Husband is healthy, kids are great.  Bonnie is healthy according to the tests.  Ed isn't here to eat turkey and fix things with duct tape.  Maxine isn't here to make us laugh and show us what it means to survive.  Grandma isn't here to show me how to cook and make me feel like crap at the same time!  

I think Ed, Maxine and Grandma were conspiring to teach at least a couple of us a lessons.   Some things are important, some things are not.  Some things will work themselves out (I hope they do).   Nothing can replace those who are dear to us.  We are here, we can eat, we can be thankful, we can be of service.  Praise God.

Dear Ed, Maxine and Grandma,
Next time you feel we aren't paying you proper tribute, fix that shit with duct tape, crappy advice, and jokes and call it a day.  

Ed, Maxine and Grandma get readers don't be ticked off.  They teach us daily what is and what is not important.  Today I get it.  I hope I don't need more reminders.

Friday, September 17, 2010

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

OK, not really, but sometimes it seems that way, and you know in this case I am right.  I said I wouldn't post about the damn feral cats again but here I am.  I caught two of the feral kittens, the only two remaining (not tooting my horn, just saying).  I tamed them and my dear friend Sandi took the siamese looking kitten and named him Miagi.  He is a wonderful little cat and a great addition to their family.  Then we have the other kitten.

We caught her first and she is a dear.  However, she seems to not like other people right at first.  She warms up pretty quick, but not right away.  My mother in law took her first and they didn't get along.  Mom works all day and the kitten and she didn't get one to blame, just not a match and bless her (Mom) for realizing it.  You can't adopt a pet and be unhappy about it.   Plus, I love her (Mom) and don't want her to not like her pet I gave her!!  I'd rather find three homes for one kitten than have a friend or anyone ticked about a cat they don't get along with.

I really love this kitten, she has her quirks, but I get her and she likes me.  No way we can keep her, my cats hate her.  So, I have to find her a good home, which I am happy to do.  I posted her on Facebook and Craigslist.  Several responses on CL, no matches until today.  I emailed back and forth with a nice girl and her fiance interested in little kitty.  They came over tonight to meet her.  Little kitty was an ass!!!  She regresses around other people, but we have seen that she has a wonderful personality when you get to know her.  We explained to these nice people that she would regress etc.  They still wanted her!  We had such a nice conversation, even though I am sure Donald and I came across as total pet dorks.  So these nice people go to take little kitty home and little kitty gets away from them before they get to the car!  Oh no.  We looked for her and didn't find her.

Hours later I heard her crying and she came to me when she saw I had food.  I emailed these wonderful people to see if they still want her despite her terrible behavior.  I left out she bit the hell out of the girl before she escaped.  Bets on if they still want her?

She really is a sweet cat, but for whoever gets her, it will take time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You May Not Get Mother of the Year if...

OK let's face it.  I adore my kids.  I think the world of all of them and I am an advocate for each of them.  I love them and I can't imagine life without them.  That being said....I wouldn't call myself a kid person.  Don't get me wrong, they are wonderful people.  I am so lucky to have all of them in my life.  Again, that being one told me it would be like this.  I think most parents would agree....or else they have perfect kids, are on drugs or are completely delusional.  Let's be honest.  Being a good parent is tough.  We say no, we deny privileges, we discipline, we are tough enough to stick to our guns and we don't feel the need to be our kids' friends.

So in that spirit I will tell you why I will not be parent of the year in 2005....let's be honest, if they judge by how strict you are, I will never be parent of the year.  I'm tough.  This story is just comical. 

My youngest was sick.  I stayed home for a day with her, I worked from home.  She slept on the couch.  She was in kindergarten, no big deal to miss school and she was rarely sick.  The second day she said she was still feeling bad.  I was not pleased to have to work from home again, but if she was sick, what could I do?  By 11 AM of that day it was clear I was tricked.  She felt fine evidenced by her non stop chatter directed towards me.  I had work to do, I had calls scheduled.  

Haley could read really well in kindergarten.  She could write too.  She was driving me crazy, talking me to death when I had work to do.  Kids can teach you about perspective in ways you can't see coming.  So I was working, had calls scheduled.  Haley was camped on the couch.  I got her juice, snacks, tucked in and a movie to keep her occupied.  I let her know in no uncertain terms that if she had any issues while I was on this call to write them down and NOT come running in my office chattering.  Seems reasonable. 

I was about 45 minutes into the call.  The door of my office opens.  I am looking away, but I know the door opens.  The child in purple flowered feetie jammies that has rooked me into letting her stay home only to talk my ear off has a note in her hand.  I still don't look at the child because she is the child that cried wolf - ALWAYS.  Said note is written on very nice floral letterhead.  I take the note into my hand, without looking at this nuisance of a child.  I read the note while participating in the call.

The note says, grammatically perfectly, "Dear Mommy, (space and indented)  I am bleeding on my cheek.  (space)  Love, Haley Gywnn.

I read the note out of my periferal vision while talking on the call.  I get it.  I am weak in the knees with motherhood.  In that instance I realize what is important even if I don't always know it.  I get off the call.  Poor Haley has been gently scratched on the cheek by a cat and the sweet child took the time to follow my direction and write her needs down.

Not getting Mother of the Year.  But I did get the message loud and clear.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another Teenager in the House

Yes, it has happened.  Now two of the three kids in the house are officially teenagers.  In a couple years they will outnumber us.

I had written blogs about each of my kids birthdays this year, but admittedly I am running late with Megan.  She turned 13 a few days ago.  Between work, life and her party which is going on now, I'm behind.  Megan is the middle child, don't they typically get the short end of the stick?  Perhaps, but that is not really the case with Megan. 

Megan is my step daughter as most know.  She is a great kid, very athletic and smart, although common sense does escape her at times, but I think that comes with the age.  She's been my step daughter officially since 2007, although I have known her from birth...that's a story for another blog. 

Megan was very much wanted and planned for by her Mom and Dad.  They waited longer than most for their baby, but she's worth the wait.  As Donald says, they placed their order and waited.   In my opinion, having had two kids the other way, this is the way to go!  Megan, was adopted and I still remember the day her parents got the call that their precious baby was here and they would get to meet her in a week.  That left her parents with one week to do and get everything necessary for a baby.  Family and friends jumped into action and the phone chain was amazing.  Our mutual friend Sandi called me and I still remember having goose bumps and tears of happiness.  Who knew at that time I would have the privilege of being a step mom to that baby...odd how things turn out.

So Megan came into our lives.  This child ate, pooped and slept...she was the perfect baby.   She slept a lot. I remember thinking, what the heck, my kids don't sleep like that.  Plus she trained her parents to put her on the potty to poop before she could walk because she hated soiled diapers.  My kids would have sat in it for hours if I let them, slackers.  So Megan was a very busy toddler.  I remember being around her thinking, that kid never stops.  She was very busy, very curious and very sweet and loved by all.

Fast forward to today.  Again, two teenage girls in the house now.   Wouldn't you know it, none of them are ugly either.  As a neighbor with three boys once said to me, I have to worry about three boys (he actually used a graphic term for a body part), but you have to worry about the rest.   I see lots of sleepless nights for the adults in her life coming soon...

I'm ever so grateful for the opportunity to be Megan's step mom even though I annoy the heck out of her at times!   Happy Birthday girl!!!

Prius Wars

In this economy it makes sense to save. Despite stimulus, the banks get it, and so do we. I’m not about to give up any more money than I need to. As a result we decided to start the process of getting rid of my leased Camry and getting a Prius. Now mind you, the objective was to pay nothing down, to walk away from the Camry, to get a lower payment and to have a more economical car. The Prius seemed like the way to go, but it could have easily been a Ford, a lower end Toyota or Honda.

Dealers seem to have misunderstood the objective, despite our communication otherwise. I’ll premise this with the fact that every Toyota dealer in town had advertised a level 2 Prius at $249 per month, no down, no first payment and 24 months of service at no charge. We knew the leased Camry would be a crap shoot and we did not do our homework on that first day. What we did do was contact the dealer we dealt with for the leased Camry. They seemed to have treated us right, though they did “inform” us that the last dealer had ripped us off….not sure I believe that, but that seems to be their underhanded way. It’s like going to a new hairdresser that trashes your old hairdresser…you have the business, don’t be an ass. So we went back to Mossy Toyota, Yes, I want to say the name, because you should know how we were treated. We emailed our situation and bottom line days before. We prequalified online with flying colors. We spoke to the salesperson several times. Our objective was clear. We arrived at the dealership, they took another hour to again prequalify us. We drove the Prius. After 90 minutes they offered us a completely lame deal, claiming we owed too many payments on the Camry (lease was up in 2/11). We countered and ultimately walked after the “bad cop” came over to let us know we “beat up” our salesperson and that they simply could not do the deal. He did offer us the deal we wanted, but let us know Toyota (not his dealership) would come after us for anything they felt was wrong with the Camry after the fact. Seriously? You had the facts days ago….do the deal, don’t do it. Don’t waste my time. Mossy Toyota, you’ll get all the bad but true reviews I can go to.

So we walked from that with a really negative feeling. The following morning, a Saturday, we emailed every dealer in San Diego. Same info, same “demands”, same trade in or leased turn in etc. We got a few calls right away. The first was Toyota of San Diego. As a side note, we would love to buy/lease at Toyota of El Cajon but the city recently passed a ridiculous tax increase, so they were out of the running), OK, so if you are still reading, thank you. I want to reward the great people we dealt with. However, they weren’t at Toyota of San Diego on Mission Gorge. We spoke to someone whose brother also works at the dealership, but the names fail me…so did they. Again, we had spelled out the terms of the deal we wanted. This dealer told us that Toyota had a deal going on that they would pay off the last six months of the lease…..funny…Mossy didn’t mention that. The variable had been the leased Camry. We looked up bluebook and trade in value. Yes the Camry had some bumps and bruises. As a Toyota dealer if they took the car in, they could fix the defects for pennies on the regular market. The idiots came back to us with a bullshit deal. We kindly informed them that we had made our requests known previously and would have never wasted their time if they could not do the deal. They countered a couple times and we stood our ground which lead the “bad cop” to get involved who was kind enough to counsel me on Kelly Blue Book definitions. Their issue, like Mossy was the Camry. I was told I should have “know better” if I read the blue book definitions. I didn’t like that. (sarcasm)

So we were feeling like it wasn’t going to happen. The thing is, we have six months on the lease. But, for a few more days Toyota is supposed to pay the lease of the existing car off. We had gotten a call from Bob Baker Toyota the same day. We told them we would keep them as a back up. We were feeling beat up and defeated. Donald bought his 4 Runner there years ago and we have since heard good things about them. We decided on the way home to stop there. We would spell out our terms, show the Camry, make our demands and give them a few minutes. Truth be told it didn’t start well. We sat there and no one said much to us. Compared to the other places they were dead. We gave them a deadline and luckily someone came to help us. We had emailed with Xavier, but he was out with clients. We dealt with Hector, Hector gave our terms to Patrick, the Sales Manager. Patrick appraised the Camry and came back to us in 10 minutes that he could do the deal exactly as we outlined. They came back with the reasonable blue book value and honored all the other Toyota terms. It took 10 minutes for them to come back to us with the deal we asked for. Bob Baker Toyota, Xavier, Hector and Patrick, you guys are amazing.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Have Compassion and Stop Hating

I have pets.  I love animals.  I have a soft spot for all creatures that look to me for food, be it feral cats, raccoons, possums.  I don't feed wild animals, but it hurts my heart to see hungry animals.   I have three indoor cats, a dog and two guinea pigs.  We have a feral cat issue in my neighborhood. It started a couple years ago. A mama cat showed up and dumped a litter. Two cats survived, the mom disappeared. I fed the two surviving kittens and caught them and had them fixed.  Bad mama came back the next year and had another litter. Of all of those cats two adults are left. One is fixed and the other needs to be caught and fixed.  There are two remaining kittens delivered this year that I have caught and are taming to find homes. We are talking about probably 15 cats in all, two adults remain, one fixed and I have the remaining kittens.

No one is happy about these cats, myself included. I am working to get the last adult fixed and the kittens relocated.  I know people have issues with these cats.   Please understand, feral cats have few options. The humane society will not take them. They cannot be tamed. Friends of Cats and other cat friendly charities will not take these cats. No one wants them, they aren't fed, they are forced to hunt and kill or go thru trash for food. They didn't ask to be here. I find it highly offensive that people want them dead or to catch them and take them somewhere else where they will die. 98% of cats who are trapped and relocated will be run off by native cats and killed.   I would be happy to feed them so they don't kill birds.  If they are fixed coyotes will get them eventually.
I know they crap in yards. I know they kill birds. These cats have no options. They are in the lowest level of survival mode. There are two left. They didn't ask to be here. Coyotes will get them eventually. If you consider them a nuisance, find humane ways to help. Feed them, that way they don't kill birds.

Guess what? Coyotes are already going thru your yards and they crap there too.  Coyotes kill dogs and cat alike.  The cats got here thru irresponsible pet owners.  Be responsible and do something humane instead of hate.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Baby is Turning 11

I was having one baby.  I knew if I had kids I would have just one.  Being an only child myself, I knew this was a great thing.  Spoiled at holidays and the center of the world for several adults.  Seems simple.  That is what I wanted for my child.  Then I married a man with a son.  OK, I can be a step mom and still have a baby.  Chaz is an awesome kid and unfortunately we didn't get to spend nearly the time we wanted with him, so having another was a good idea.  So we had Sam and if you read my blog, you know about Sam.

The thing is (and there is always a thing) she was such a good baby.  I got tricked.   So when Sam was about 2 and a half or so we decided that this parenting thing was easy and we could surely handle another baby.  It would have been nice for Sam to have the courtesy to be potty trained, but that wasn't to be.   So I got pregnant pretty quick.  This was great news to Grandma, who lived here at the time.  She spent so much time with Sam, and was so wonderful to the girls.

I didn't feel very good when I was pregnant with Haley.  I attributed this to the fact that I had a toddler to take care of, but looking back I think it was more than that.  I ended up having Haley 7 weeks early.  She was so tiny.  I still have an ankle bracelet that is the diameter of a quarter that slipped on and off her foot in the hospital.  We never cut it because it came off easily.  She was that small.  We had some scary days with Haley.  Thank God for our neighbor next door who I consider her angel that literally saved her life when the hospital let her go home way too early. 

So Haley was what you call a needy baby.  She had an apnea monitor and demanded to be held all the time.  Grandma came in very handy here because she loved nothing more than to rock Haley all day long.  I jumped in to feed her every two hours.  So Haley quickly became Grandma's buddy.

Haley eventually grew, but she is still a peanut.  She is healthy as a horse and besides colds never sick.  She is bright beyond her years and stubborn beyond anything you can imagine.  She would literally sit on the stairs in time out for two hours rather than give in.  This trait carries through to current day.  I love her to pieces, but you can't change this kid's mind.  She tells stories beginning with the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth.  She is all about the details, and don't get them wrong. 

She is a love bug.  She loves her kitties and guinea pigs.  She sets up obstacle courses in her room for the pigs, and I don't think they appreciate it.  She is a mommy to all Webkinz.   She sings in the choir at school and gets great grades.  She is going into the 6th grade which just about does me in.  

Just yesterday my good friend Sandi was going from JC Penney's to Walmart and every place in between to find clothes for the baby that was determined to come into the world early while I stayed in the hospital.  Those preemie clothes she so graciously bought just hung on that tiny baby.   My sweet pea.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Boy is 19

Wow, how can that be?  When I met Chaz he was 18 months old, a sweet little toe head who was totally happy all the time.  His Dad and I were dating (I later married his Dad and had my 2 daughters with him).  He was hilariously funny.  He and his Dad used to play video games, only Chaz would have a controller that was not plugged in, he still played with all his heart.

Today he is a 19 year old young man living in Idaho.  His biological mother robbed us of a lot of time with him over the years, but that is water under the bridge.   He knows how much I love him and all his family here in San Diego loves him too.

So fun memories of Chaz.  Lots of trips to the Zoo and Wild Animal Park.  Chaz loved to see the animals and the petting zoo was a favorite for both of us.  The first time I babysat Chaz by myself - I had so little experience with toddlers.  He didn't get his way about something and he banged his head on the floor so hard I thought for sure he was hurt.  I was wrong, he takes after his Father with that hard head in more ways than one.  Another time I took him out to lunch with my Dad and Grandma in Mission Valley at Chili's.  We were in the parking lot when he saw police officers sitting in their patrol car.  He was about 3.  He yelled that the cops were going to shoot him.   I about died.  The kind officers got out of their car and explained the real purpose of the police and gave him some stickers.  I was so embarrassed, it was awesome!  Chaz has been a great big brother to Sam and Haley and they enjoy the time they get to spend with him.  He was always very kind and sweet to them, also very patient. 

These days we don't always agree on everything.  I'm a typical naggy Mom.  I want him back in school, and he is working towards that.  But like any Mom, I want him to be in school NOW.  But also, as a Mom, I have faith he will do the right thing in his own time.   Maybe just not as fast as I would like.

He's a good kid and I love him dearly and miss him a great deal.  Happy Birthday Son.

Love you - Mom

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The DSC is Back

Those of us who know the DSC are greatly excited in their return to the air waves on Jack FM 100.7.   They have been an integral member of our community for many years.  They make incredibly generous donations and fabulous community  service. 
Stay tuned for amazing ways you can make a difference.


Monday, July 26, 2010

The Ice Cream Lady Told me my Grandpa Died

Yes, that is a true statement.

My Father's side of the family is pretty normal from what I know.  Some cool history, relatives that emmigrated from Belgium, Dad was born 8 days after the bombing at Pearl Harbor, in Pearl Harbor.  Family in Michigan, all pretty normal.  Dad lives in North Carolina, retired, happy, normal.

Then there is my Mom's side of the family.  My Mom passed away in 1992, she had a younger sister that passed away a few years before her and an older brother who lives in CO.  For whatever reason we don't talk. I sent xmas cards for a while after my Mom died, never got one back, so I quit sending them.  I have my theories, but frankly, the situation isn't important enough to dissect.  Their Dad (my Grandfather) lived in El Cajon until he was a widower and then he moved to assisted living.  OK so here is where it gets a bit complicated.  Mom's sister has a son, Dustin.  He is like 36 now I think.  I haven't had contact for about 10 years....we stink at keeping in touch.  Probably because we have nothing in common expect severly dysfunctional relatives.  Mom's brother has 2 kids, I recently found them on Facebook.  Cool, but I think they would agree, a family reunion isn't in the works.

About 12 years ago I got back in touch with my cousin Dustin, Mom's nephew.    He was dating a woman named Melica and her Mom drove an ice cream truck.  I had never met the Mom, but I knew she drove the truck I saw once in a while in our neighborhood.  We had lost touch again, Dustin and I.  One day I saw the truck in our neighborhood.  I was in the front yard when our kids lost their mind and ran screaming to anyone with money about the ice cream truck.  I decided to be nice and get the kids some ice cream.  I happened to mention to the driver that I was a relative of Dustin.  Once my kids walked away, she said, so did you hear your Grandfather died?  I said nope.  She explained my maternal grandfather had died back in January.

So, the ice cream lady told me my grandpa lie.

So I started a family tree on a few months back.  Lots of "hints" for my husband's family, a few for my Father's side of the family.  As it turns out, no one is looking for that other side of the "hints"    Go figure.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

SureSell Real Estate

As the Jill of all Trades, isn't it natural that I would take on yet another role?  Of course it is.  This one is my baby.  New home sales is where I cut my real estate teeth, but the resale operation may be the bread and butter for many of us until the bitch is back.  The bitch being my first love (new homes sales and marketing).

Born of this market is SureSell Real Estate.  It's a fantastic model for agents who like to work independently, with lots of broker support and without the heavy overhead of a traditional real estate company. 

Our option offers a great limited time sign up package 

100% Commission is Yours to Keep

Low Transaction Fee of Only $195.00

Pay Just $95.00 per Month
Risk Management and E & O Insurance Included
No Sign Up or Franchise Fees
Agents Paid Directly from Escrow or Title
Unparalleled Agent Support & Resources
Exciting Recruiting Bonuses
Offices Available for Use Throughout CA & NV

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pets Part Two

We have always wanted a dog, but have always been concerned about the time a dog needs to be a good member of the family.  In the post we had to find a new home for a dog that we just could not handle because she was never trained properly.  I am not the type of person to give up an animal for any reason.  It was a tough decision, but for Ginger, it made the most sense.  On a side note, the seemingly wonderful family that took her later turned her back into the pound as a result of the suicide of the Father of the family...She found another home, but she is a dog with a past for certain!

So we searched for a puppy for quite some time.  Considered multiple breeds, Boxes, Lab, Retriever.  We wanted a mid sized dog that was good with kids and would travel well.  For months we just didn't find the right fit.  I was working from home, so the timing was good, I'd be here to supervise and do initial training.  One day I received an email from a volunteer group that fostered puppies and kittens.  I saw a puppy that I thought was a female, couldn't tell the breed.  I called to see when I could see the pup and was told they would be at the local Petsmart at 4 PM.   This puppy needed a foster home today. 

It was love at first sight.  He was a boy and there was no telling what the heck he was or how big he would get.  He had a tiny baby sister that looked like a Yorkie although he had only terrier traits.   Donald came to the store and we adopted him on the spot.  He was the sweetest puppy ever.  We still don't know what he is.  Speculation includes Sheltie, Australian Shepherd, Coyote, Dingo, who the heck knows?

13 months later.  Parker is an amazing addition to our family.  He travels with us, loves to go in the car, knows a few tricks, has almost no bad habits and he just fits.  I never thought I could love a dog so much, but I sure do.  The cats hate him, although I see them trying to entice him into a play fight quite often.  Those cats, they act like they hate him and then try to draw him into their evil web of play, only to reject him bitterly.  He falls for it every time.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Pets

The name of the blog isn't MrsDoolittletoyou for nothing.  I am a Jill of all Trades, but at the end of the day I am a lover of all creatures great and small.  Funny thing, an acquaintance recently found out I was an animal lover and she said, wow, really?  I don't see that about you, I know you're not a kid person, but you do like animals?  I cracked up.  To clarify, I'm not great at hanging out with kids or kids activities but I adore my kids and their activities! 

First and foremost I am a cat person.  I'm at least a husband and three kids away from being a crazy cat lady.  I also like a very clean house, and you can't have 50 cats and a clean house.  So although some have suggested this is my future, I reject this.  However, should I ever become wealthy by way of hard work or lottery, I will run a non profit animal shelter.  No question.  It's a thankless heartbreaking job, but there is nothing more I'd rather do that have enough money to support left behind animals.  

So I have three cats.  I used to have one cat, the amazing Gonka named by baby Sam at 18 months.  I think she was trying to say donkey because Grandma that lived here had a collection of donkeys, but it came out Gonka and she insisted the kitten was a Gonka, and it stuck.  He was a Gonka and there will never be another Gonka.  I lost Gonka when he was 7 to pancreatitis.  So then we got Sabrina and Sunny from a house in Lakeside.  They had about 9 kittens in a cage with Mom, all calicos.  We were getting one, but we couldn't leave with just one.  I still remember those kittens in the cart at Petsmart while we bought all their supplies.  We had to flea dip them that first day.  I think we may have screwed them up for good.  They seemed OK.  They slept with us and there were no accidents.  Over time, Sabrina became obsessed with Donald and bit neurotic and Sunny has IBS and vomits frequently.  Buyer beware, free cats in Lakeside....
Neither of these cats bonded with me.  I am the cat box scooper and filler of the dish only.  Over the years they have gotten better, but I don't have a lap cat in these girls.

So two years later I shopped for my little boy, black and white cat.  Gonka was a boy, black and white.  I wasn't looking to replace him, but I was hoping for a cat with a similar disposition.  6 months of shopping.  I found my sweetheart in Jamul, he was perfect.  We went to get him.  Perfect.  Oscar Bear.   Slept in the crook of my neck for days.  Played like crazy.  The girl cats hated him.  Eventually they ruined him.  He became the angry little brother they never wanted.  He got way bigger than them.  He has a woobie, a favorite little toy he cries to when he is alone.  He has a life outside of this family.  He drags stuffed toys from the girls rooms and sings to them in the middle of the night.  I would love to snuggle with this cat.  He loves toys and the dog.

Then we have the outside cats.  These cats aren't mine.  But, once upon a time 2 years ago a mama cat came here and had kittens.....more good stories there.  More about pets too, we have several more to cover.

For now, can I just get ONE cat to sit with me????

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Girl

My girl turned 14 today. 

I can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  I still vividly recall the day I found out I was pregnant.  I was working at The Broadway dept store at the age of 25.  I've never been so happy and scared all at the same time.  Until that day having a baby just seemed like a great idea, now, suddenly I was going to be responsible for another human being.  Wow, that makes it so much more real. 

I remember the first sonogram.  She or it at the time because we didn't know it was she was a little peanut with a tiny beating heart.  Months later we found out she was a girl, this was a truly happy day.  I wanted a girl so badly.  Months later I would hijack Father's Day by having my water break at home during the final 7th game of the NBA finals.  The Bulls were playing and her Dad could barely believe we had to leave for the hospital on Father's Day, much less in the 2nd quarter of the game.  Fast forward 18 hours (we could have stayed home) I gave birth to Samantha Brittany.  Ironically, on her birthday this year, another final game in the NBA.

Sam was the best baby ever.  The worst thing she did was to give back a little bit of every bottle by way of spit up.  She barely cried, had a regular schedule, got 2 to 3 teeth at a time and her gas was easily remedied with Mylicon.  She was a joy, so happy and funny. 

Cute story.  I took her to my Grandmother's house pretty much daily.  I worked weekends and nights part time so I could stay with her and help Grandma.  We would run errands and go to lunch and hang out at the mall etc.  Being a stay at home Mom was the bomb, easy breezy.  I don't care what any stay at home Mom says, it was EASY!  OK, but I digress.  Sam would nap at Grandma's house daily, she had a crib there and her own room.  She would wake up and stand in her crib and call out, "anybody......somebody.....anybody....."  hoping one of us, or presumably someone would come get her.  She didn't cry, she just called out.  We would make her wait because it was so funny to hear her.

We moved to the current house when Sam was 18 months old.  She immediately found her best little friend Isabelle, who is 11 months older.  They got along famously except for the infamous day of the collar grabbing argument over sidewalk chalk.  Isabelle's Mom and I watched, we wanted to intervene, but it was funnier to let them duke it out.  Then there was the day Isabelle gave Sam a makeover while we thought Isabelle was helping Sam to use the potty.  The image we will never forget, Isabelle in the hallway saying, Mommy don't panic, and then seeing Sam in the bathroom, standing on a step stool with terribly bright fuchsia lipstick applied horribly and a handful of hair on the ground.  She actually got a haircut along with her makeover.  We weren't mad.  We still laugh about it. 

Then we had the staples in the head.  This was great timing because the office store Staples was running the ad campaign slogans saying, Staples, Yeah,We Got That.   She was about 2, we taught her to say, "Staples, yeah, I got those".   A couple weekends at Children's Hospital while we were dealing with an asthma diagnosis (you can thank Mom for that gene).   Only a cold here and there, and few injuries. 

Fast forward to now.  My girl is a successful student, good friend, very cute,  taller than me, fashion forward without being a snob and hilariously funny, even when I am mad at her.  She's a good girl.   I love her very much and I am so glad she is remarkably different from her Mom at this age.  

Happy birthday Sam.  You're a good kid.  I love you and I am proud of you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So this last week....

How can anyone be so grateful and so challenged at the same time?

My class this month is history something, cultural diversity.  I love history, I love diversity.  I hate the liberal slanted book and professor I have.  OK hate is a bad word.  I'd prefer a more balanced approach to the topics, but in this case, the topics really dictate a liberal approach.  I'm not entirely anti liberal.  Everyone needs to be responsible for themselves.   I know there is discrimination.  I know minorities get the short end of the stick at times.  Guess what?  So do perfectly middle of the road average white folks!   But we certainly can't call that foul discrimination.  Women still earn less than men for the same jobs, minorities earn less.  I get all of this.   I chose NOT to use it as a crutch.  I choose to make my own opportunities.  I choose to have 4 or more jobs to make ends meet.  I make a lot of choices that afford me opportunities that I really think others have, but choose not to take advantage of.

I am challenged with my multiple jobs.   I'd love to have one job bringing in what I am used to making in a month.  The fact of the matter is, that is not happening.  So I am challenged.  But I am totally grateful for the crazy list of things I do.  I am still learning some aspects of a few things.  I get crazy when I am not automatically great at something.  This discomfort has been good for me no matter how much I hate it!

Point being, be grateful, be challenged and get uncomfortable to get ahead.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Foursquare Rocks

As a local search expert, it’s on me to know it all. Because of this anytime a new site comes online, I sign right up and learn the ins and outs. Foursquare became known to me several months ago through industry contacts and the fact that I kept seeing Facebook friends “checking in” around town. Of course I had to figure it out. I want to check in too. I signed up, never checked in, didn’t find very many friends I already knew from Twitter, Facebook etc. So I kind of forgot about it until this week.
It turns out I’m not the only one that has discovered the total coolness factor of Foursquare. Entrepreneur Magazine has named Foursquare as one of the most brilliant ideas in mobile technology.
For “newbies”, and I am one, I have the badge dammit, here is the concept. You create an account, link it to your Facebook or Twitter and then just check in around town. I went to a Starbucks this morning after downloading the mobile app for my Blackberry last night. I couldn’t wait! I logged on using my mobile app and did a “check in”. Right at my fingertips was almost every local business within a reasonable distance. Starbucks was at the top presumably since I was there. So I check in. Chris is The Mayor. Who is Chris? But then I was notified of a special and I thought somehow I was made The Mayor of this Starbucks. No such luck but for a while I was wielding crazy power (in my mind). So it turns out if you are the Foursquare user who checks in the most at any given location, you are The Mayor. I’ve heard rumors that there are several bathrooms at Qualcomm that have Mayors. It may be that with one million users as of April that I may be forced to claim a bathroom somewhere because I just have to be Mayor of something!

Now that you’re done here, go check out that article, but come back soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Some Advice

How many reading this blog are little red hens?   Meaning, it's just easier to do it yourself than teach someone else how to do it.  Or maybe you like doing it and you don't want to let it go.  I'm all about teaching so I don't have to do and letting go and having independent kids.  I want street smart kids who can figure stuff out.  But I know, it is often easier to do it myself than teach.  OK so question, my kids get almost straight A's......does it really seem like a good idea to clean the bathroom mirror with Windex and toilet paper?   What happened to the common sense instinct in my children?  This is not a blog.  I really want to know, are my kids:

A:  Missing this gene
B:  Growing this gene now
C:  Getting this gene when they turn 18
D:  ????

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How many roles do I have

The answer, easy. Too many.  But that's OK for now.  I can't or won't give any of them up.

My latest - board of directors member for Bella Luna Educational Fund.  I'm very excited about this one.  I love non profits and I know I can make a difference.

I'm still working as a senior analyst using Google Analytics and Omniture.  This is old hat and I love the work with numbers and stats.  Fascinating stuff even if it bends my brain from time to time.

The new stuff is the resale company.  SureSell Real Estate is a new company with a great USP.  100% commission, $95 per month fee and $195 per transaction.   This is the way the real estate business is heading.  Good luck to the Zips and Keller Williams of the world charging an 80/20 split or worse.  It's simple.  It's easy.  Smart agents will make their way to us and quit leaving money on the table.

So what else is new?  School is almost out.  UGH.  That means I work from home and the kids are, you guessed it, home!  We'll find a way to make it work and I will find a way to take days off so we can take Parker Puppy to Dog Beach!

Until Next Time!

Thursday, May 6, 2010 many roles do you have?

So, what do you do is a question I ask and I am asked. It's a funny question because it is typically meant in a limited capacity, meaning for work. But all of us have so many dimensions both at home and work. In this economy, many of us are wearing old and new hats and lots of them to keep things going. How can you define it? Should you define it?

Here I will try to define me. So where to start?
I think Mom. Probably the toughest of my roles, but the most important to me. To be fair I need to split that role into Mom and Step Mom. I have my two daughters Sam and Haley, ages 13 and 10. I'm also a Step Mom to Megan, age 12. To complicate things further, though I am divorced from his Father (the Father of my girls as well) I am still close to my ex Step Son Chaz, age 18, in college at ISU. If you know me, you know I am way too normal for Jerry Springer, but when you hear the story, I know what you are thinking! The kids are great. All the kids are in advanced education and although Chaz is having a hiccup currently, he'll be back at it soon with a debate scholarship. We all have bumps in the road, he's having a bump! He is a good kid and I love him! Sam is very social, in ASB and looking forward to sports and activities in high school. Haley is in girl scouts, the choir at school and enjoys strong friendships with her neighborhoodand school friends. Megan is also in ASB and the total athlete, best goalie in East County has been said about her. She is a kind soul with the competitive heart of a winner.

I'm a wife. To my adorable husband Donald. He's awesome. A great Dad that supports the girls and always has their best interests in mind. He's unselfish as long as he gets a nap here and there. Truly a wonderful family man and the love of my life. He loves cats matter what he says, he does. I have pictures.

I'm an ex wife - a couple times over. What can you say, live and learn. Nuff said.
I'm a full time student. Fulfilling a lifelong dream to complete my degree in business admin. I thought I really didn't need it, and I think it's helpful, but ultimately I do need it. I'm setting an example for the kids and in my heart, I have always regretted that I didn't finish no matter how successful I have been.
I work. Oh where to go here. This is truly where the juggling comes in. I can juggle with the best of them. My problem may occur if one of my ventures takes off big time and I have to somehow part with the others. I need to be able to do that in a graceful way that does not leave anyone high and dry. I love everything I do. So what do I do. My smallest role is as a notary. I work with First American Title to help people sign loan docs. This is a slow business that calls upon me with little notice. I have recently listed my own local mobile notary listing...we'll see if I get any business from it. Next. I am working with an old dear friend to help with Google Analytics. I love the work, but the learning curve has been brutal. The work isn't my long term plan, but I love learning and hopefully can help build the business enough that we can hire others to do the analytics while the core team works on world domination! What else? I am the VP of Ops for a resale real estate company that is about to launch. I love this venture. We have the chance to kill!!! Finally, I am a local search consultant for small businesses. I love this line of work as well. I may need to clone myself because I can't see myself giving anything up.

I think we have covered the basics here.....much more to come.....

Monday, May 3, 2010

2010 The Year of...

So far not so flipping good, but I really don't like negativity.  That's negative to say in and of itself isn't it?   I can't get away from it!  Just kidding.  I've always had so much to be grateful for.  Things get ugly from time to time, but I have nothing to complain about.  Here are some mottos some of us can identify with:

2010 The Year of:

Using all my sick days
Using all my sick days if I actually had a job
That's not really in the budget, oh hell, spend it anyway
Those tires can go another 500 miles
Yes but it's better for me
86% of America doesn't want the healthcare bill, oh what do they know?
Too big to fail (just not your business)
George Bush started it!!  (anything bad)
Obama inherited that (see above)
The government can, but Goldman Sachs can't
That's illegal if the administration doesn't like it
Go Arizona
The iPad, buy one or die

So, I'm not negative, but I am cynical!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Networking Event

It's been a week of new beginnings for me! New sleep plan, new attitude, new business, new opportunities, and adjusting some ridiculous social barriers I get hung up with. I gotta get out of my own way. I bet we all know a few people that just can't get out of their own way. I get hung up from time to time, but I find my way, usually using the force. That's have I find directions as well.

So I went to a networking event tonight for the new business I am consulting with. My Brother in Law and I are working together and we attended a great event. We make a great team and are skilled at giving the quick pitch. I look forward to more event and business. If you read this and happen to own, manage, consult for or really like a local business, we can help your referrals gain customers. You won't be sorry, emnail me at

Sales pitch over. I'm feeling positive and confident. Boring blog tonight, but no drama and I like that. Wish I coulda been more funny.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stuff in my Head

I am one of those people that has to let things out of my head or I may very well explode. I don't dwell on things. I find solutions and I move on. I see most things in total black or white, not a lot of wiggle room, unless of course you have a compelling argument. So the whole blog thing has been pretty cool. I do find myself having to sensor the blog because it might toally offend some people, or at the very least hurt feelings. I'm not here to make enemies, I call em as I see em, or I just shut my mouth..or tell a confidant, again, so I don't explode.

So, I'm fat. I'm tired of it. I was tiny for so many years. I can't stand the constant dialogue in my head. Being fat doesn't stop me from doing anything. Well, that is not true. It stops me from wearing a size 4. However, with everything I do, there is a little voice in my head saying, "you're fat, how big do you look, do you look bigger than that person, etc." It's not that I care what people think, I really do like me. It's that this is not who I am. I know why I am fat. I eat too much of the wrong stuff. BTW if you haven't seen me for a while, I am overweight, but Richard Simmons won't be showing up any time soon.

I can't stand these people who claim to be a victim of their weight. If you are so gigantic that Richard Simmons has to call the paramedics and a carpenter to get your fat ass out of the house, you eat too much. If you can't get out of bed and crap on yourself, someone is bringing your ass food! New idea for a stand up routine, "you might be a fat ass if" ala the You might be a redneck if....mental note to work on that later. OK, wait (get that pun??) if you have a disorder, thyroid, etc then you are excluded from my opinion. I've had mine tested, I'm fine. I eat too much of the wrong thing. It's that simple.

So this week I've launched a new effort with the help of the Dr. I have no goals, I'm not ready to talk about what it is, I'm just saying, let's see what happens. The one thing I do know, it's gonna go one way (get that pun, weigh) or another. I'll either lose soem weight or be Skyping with Oprah and Richard.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So....About Sleep

It's one of my favorite things, truly. I've been known to go to bed at 6 PM and not be seen until the following morning. With my schedule it doesn't happen often, and I don't even like to do that very often, but when the stars align....oh how I love that kind of sleep.

The rest of the time, I struggle. As my sweet husband says, you could relax, but your mind is always trying to kill you. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm not worried. I'm not depressed. I'm no more stressed than anyone else. My brain almost never shuts off. I have mental lists that I have written down to try to purge the brain. I have brilliant ideas, but only long after I should be asleep. I have a lot to accomplish, which also makes me sleepless. If I go to bed now and fall asleep, I will get X hours of sleep....yeah, I play that game. I can count sheep, or kittens in my case, and keep that mental list going at the same time. Yes my brain is that talented....or cursed, or perhaps just plain simple!

Yes, I have tried reading before bed. Making the bedroom a sleeping place only (no TV). Relaxation techniques. Melatonin, Tylenol PM, over the counter sleeping pills, antihistamines...the list goes on, but it's all legal stuff!

I'm grateful beyond belief for this incredible life I have, so I really shouldn't complain, but the sleep stuff is getting to me.

I had a Dr years ago suggest that perhaps I should try yoga, or meditate. Um, if I could sit still long enough to clear my mind to do yoga or meditate, I guess I may not have this issue. That IS the issue, DUH! Clearing my mind requires general anesthesia and I guess Michael Jackson ruined that for recreational users.

So it's 1:22 AM. If I go to sleep this second I will get about 5 hours of sleep. Of course I'm wide awake, so there's that.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My kids taught me

I'm trying to be better about updating the blog. If I write often, surely I will find something interesting to say...right? Well maybe not.

So who has teenagers? Aren't they fun? Did you know the entire world revolves around just them? I was thinking the earth rotated around the sun, but it turns out, the 13 year old is the center of the universe. Having slightly less gravitational pulls, the 12 and 10 year old. In 2012 I will have children ages 16, 15 and 13, so really, the Mayans may have been right. If it's not the end of the world for the rest of you, it may be for me! Wait, that sounds like the the earth rotates around me....surely not the case.

Did you know if you don't make the mess you don't have to clean it up?? My kids taught me this. This is a gigantic relief. No more picking up dog toys, art supplies, dishes I didn't dirty, underwear I didn't make skid marks in, laundry I didn't get dirty, dust I didn't put on tables. This is truly liberating, because I was under the silly impression that when you were part of a family you were supposed to pitch in. My children have set me straight. Bless their hearts. This changes everything.

If I learned everything I know from I learned from my kids, I would know the following:

Spread your food around the plate if you want to make it look like you ate more.
If they say take 4 bites, make them tiny.
Even if you can't see the floor, the room is still clean.
Cats do love to be smothered no matter how much they screech.
If you say you did a chore and didn't do it, it's as good as done.
I forgot is a totally valid excuse.
I don't know is a great answer.
Oh you have to empty the vacuum????
Cleaning the entire kitchen just means putting a couple dishes in the dishwasher.
If you can't see it, it's put away.
Drawers aren't supposed to be shut.
Socks in the backyard apparently grow trees.
If something is on the floor, DO NOT pick it up.
If you did not make the mess, you are in no way responsible for the mess.
If the trash is full, you should take the time to smash it down, but never take it out.
The bathroom trash should overflow.
Fingerprints smingerprints.
Open windows while the heater is on is great because you get fresh air and heat.

Oh I could go on, and I think I will another time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Relay is Over and Other Stuff

Wow, another year, and another successful Relay. The team won first place in fund raising, but it was successful for many other reasons. One of those reasons is new team members. We added several new survivors and honoring them is really what it's all about. Of course there is the research funding and everything else, but seeing all of those people that have fought their battles is so inspiring. Another reason it was great is that a few people have expressed an interest in joining the team for next year.

Another reason is Rosa's family. If you read my blog, you know we lost Rosa recently to a battle she fought with unbelievable grace and dignity. Rosa's sister and brother in law came from out of town. Her Mom was there as well as her wonerful husband and boys Noah and Kaleb. They could have just come for the experience, but these amazing people dug in, helped out, walked a heck of a lot and were just as gracious as they could be. We had a beautiful picture of Rosa and our team wore flowers for Rosa. Just amazing people. I hope they come next year.

So what else, well, changes...the one constant as they say. My jobs have changed, some are gone, others slowed down so I find myself having to get creative yet again. I'm learning about local search and Google Analytics, which I am finding I love. I know, I am a nerd, it's OK. I am also heavily into learning more about social media, another topic I find fascinating. Hopefully with some creativity I can put all of these skills together with the other good stuff I can do and find more things to do that I love. I'm also launching the notary business officially. So far I have registered a domain name, have a logo in progress and have listed the business in a ton of local search - so that skill may just be paying off now! I have a super lame website in development....wish I were a little more nerdy in that arena!

That's about it for now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's been a while

So I'm struggling to blog. How could such a chatty person have so little to say? Turns out, maybe I don't have that much to say. Sure I talk to the people I know all the time. I never seem to be at a loss for words. However, when it comes to communicating in this blog, I just may not be so good at it. I've decided to keep it up. I see so many interesting blogs. I feel interesting, but maybe I'm not! Maybe the core issue is I am relatively private, and the blog puts it all out there. Gotta think on that.

So, I'll just do a general update. Relay for Life is this weekend. The team has worked so hard. The next few days are key. The team briefly surged ahead of the firefighters in fundraising. We've been number one the last few years, we might not be this year. I have mixed feelings. Someone else should win in order to make it interesting, but I really really want to win. We have many new team members. I love that. Relay is all about reaching out. I love my friends that are passionate about this. I love all that contribute in any way. We've all been touched by cancer. It feels good to fight back. In so many cases, there isn't much else you can do.

So I can graduate in June of 2011 if I keep up my school schedule. I hope I can do it. If I can do it, I get to walk for graduation with a great great friend. And I can graduate BEFORE I turn 41.

That's all for now. I gotta get through Relay. I love Relay. Fight Back against cancer.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Dear Rosa,
You have been an inspiration to me and so many others with the courage, faith and attitude with which you fought your long battle. My heart was heavy when we heard the news. I thought of your boys, your husband and all of us lucky enough to have met you. I've since met many others who knew you and everyone shares the same amazement at your strength and grace. You will be missed, but never forgotten. We continue the fight in your honor and in the honor of others like you. Thank you for touching my life Rosa. Support the American Cancer Society in whatever way you can.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A New Day

Things are looking up. I'm back in town, back to work and back in my happy spot. Coming up on the third, time flies.

Lots more to report on the Vegas trip....write later!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well what do you know? Maybe God does have a plan for all of us. Eh, still not sure I buy that. But I sure as heck can't explain my friend's turn around from critical condition to where he is at now. I'm not sure the Dr's can either, and that my friends is what one might just call a miracle even if it did happen to one of no faith. The crisis seems to have passed, now to find a way to help the family make their way while everyone recovers. I will do my part.

So I'm a bit overwhelmed these days. Got sick again. My lungs don't seem to like me these days. My new asthma meds are amazing, but they didn't stop me from another upper respiratory infection. I'm over the hump, but it's getting old! We seem to have so much going on, nothing huge, just like a big pile of little things that you can't seem to chip away enough to make a difference. I make a list, I check everything off, the next day I have a new longer list. That's life I guess. I gripe, but I think I thrive in the challenge.

Looking forward to a few days away.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Work in progress at best. It's late. I am tired. Yes, excuses. In my defense, 3 kids, the house, 4 jobs and a full time student. I still have a really clean house and the laundry is caught up and my kids are awesome. You may get sick of hearing about excuses, but I kick ass. I get really annoyed with stay at homes moms that whine. It's true you can't have it all, but once the kids are in school, you can have a lot more and if you manage your time well, everyone benefits. I've stayed at home, I've worked outside the home. I may make excuses for my blog, but my life rocks and no one suffers for my lack of time management skills. I could go on....and I will some day, but not today.

So yes it's late. I'm writing because I cannot sleep. A good friend is in critical condition in the hospital tonight and I find my thoughts are with him. I'm not sure where to go with this. I just can't sleep and I need someone to know he is in my thoughts and even prayers. I'm not a pray-er by nature and faith has never been my strong suit. This is not about me. But my friend is an atheist. I find myself helpless. Even if I pray, would he appreciate it, does that matter? As a person with little faith, what could my prayers do? As a friend told me, you may not believe in Jesus, but Jesus believes in you. I can appreciate that. This is not about me. This is about my friend. I'll pray that we both find our way, but that you find your way right away friend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Me in a nutshell

OK so perhaps I am getting the hang of this stuff...6 minutes after my first post. Let's face it, I'm going to have typos, let's get over them now. Let me tell you about me.

I am 39, I am not happy to be 39. I have 3 children and a blended family. Two of my daughters are my biological children, the middle one is my step daughter. My daughters are 13, 12 and 10. They are amazing. I have a wonderful husband of almost 3 years. He truly keeps me grounded and has a way of bringing me back from "orbit". I would have probably left the solar system some time ago were it not for him and the kids.

I'll write more about the kids and hubby later.

I am a full time student at National University and I have a few jobs at this point. I love all of them, I do wish just one would become full time and allow me to have a normal life. Not sure which one I want to become full time, as I truly love them all. Anyway, what's normal?

I am excited about starting a blog. If nothing else I expect it to be therapeutic for me and a cathartic experience once in a while at worst. We all need a cleanse here and there, yes?

Remind me to write about my pets....there is a story.

My first blog

Not sure how this stuff works at this point, so consider this a test blog....