Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stuff in my Head

I am one of those people that has to let things out of my head or I may very well explode. I don't dwell on things. I find solutions and I move on. I see most things in total black or white, not a lot of wiggle room, unless of course you have a compelling argument. So the whole blog thing has been pretty cool. I do find myself having to sensor the blog because it might toally offend some people, or at the very least hurt feelings. I'm not here to make enemies, I call em as I see em, or I just shut my mouth..or tell a confidant, again, so I don't explode.

So, I'm fat. I'm tired of it. I was tiny for so many years. I can't stand the constant dialogue in my head. Being fat doesn't stop me from doing anything. Well, that is not true. It stops me from wearing a size 4. However, with everything I do, there is a little voice in my head saying, "you're fat, how big do you look, do you look bigger than that person, etc." It's not that I care what people think, I really do like me. It's that this is not who I am. I know why I am fat. I eat too much of the wrong stuff. BTW if you haven't seen me for a while, I am overweight, but Richard Simmons won't be showing up any time soon.

I can't stand these people who claim to be a victim of their weight. If you are so gigantic that Richard Simmons has to call the paramedics and a carpenter to get your fat ass out of the house, you eat too much. If you can't get out of bed and crap on yourself, someone is bringing your ass food! New idea for a stand up routine, "you might be a fat ass if" ala the You might be a redneck if....mental note to work on that later. OK, wait (get that pun??) if you have a disorder, thyroid, etc then you are excluded from my opinion. I've had mine tested, I'm fine. I eat too much of the wrong thing. It's that simple.

So this week I've launched a new effort with the help of the Dr. I have no goals, I'm not ready to talk about what it is, I'm just saying, let's see what happens. The one thing I do know, it's gonna go one way (get that pun, weigh) or another. I'll either lose soem weight or be Skyping with Oprah and Richard.

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