Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another Teenager in the House

Yes, it has happened.  Now two of the three kids in the house are officially teenagers.  In a couple years they will outnumber us.

I had written blogs about each of my kids birthdays this year, but admittedly I am running late with Megan.  She turned 13 a few days ago.  Between work, life and her party which is going on now, I'm behind.  Megan is the middle child, don't they typically get the short end of the stick?  Perhaps, but that is not really the case with Megan. 

Megan is my step daughter as most know.  She is a great kid, very athletic and smart, although common sense does escape her at times, but I think that comes with the age.  She's been my step daughter officially since 2007, although I have known her from birth...that's a story for another blog. 

Megan was very much wanted and planned for by her Mom and Dad.  They waited longer than most for their baby, but she's worth the wait.  As Donald says, they placed their order and waited.   In my opinion, having had two kids the other way, this is the way to go!  Megan, was adopted and I still remember the day her parents got the call that their precious baby was here and they would get to meet her in a week.  That left her parents with one week to do and get everything necessary for a baby.  Family and friends jumped into action and the phone chain was amazing.  Our mutual friend Sandi called me and I still remember having goose bumps and tears of happiness.  Who knew at that time I would have the privilege of being a step mom to that baby...odd how things turn out.

So Megan came into our lives.  This child ate, pooped and slept...she was the perfect baby.   She slept a lot. I remember thinking, what the heck, my kids don't sleep like that.  Plus she trained her parents to put her on the potty to poop before she could walk because she hated soiled diapers.  My kids would have sat in it for hours if I let them, slackers.  So Megan was a very busy toddler.  I remember being around her thinking, that kid never stops.  She was very busy, very curious and very sweet and loved by all.

Fast forward to today.  Again, two teenage girls in the house now.   Wouldn't you know it, none of them are ugly either.  As a neighbor with three boys once said to me, I have to worry about three boys (he actually used a graphic term for a body part), but you have to worry about the rest.   I see lots of sleepless nights for the adults in her life coming soon...

I'm ever so grateful for the opportunity to be Megan's step mom even though I annoy the heck out of her at times!   Happy Birthday girl!!!

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